PXIe-LCR5100 Bundle

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5-Slot, Up to 2 MHz, Up to 40 V PXI LCR Meter Bundle

The PXIe-LCR5100 Bundle includes the 5-slot PXIe-1083 PXI Chassis and the PXIe-4190 PXI LCR Meter. The PXIe-4190 is an inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) meter with fF-class capacitance measurements and a precision source measure unit (SMU) with fA-class current measurements to help you measure and test the LCR of electronic equipment. You can use the PXIe-4190 in capacitance-voltage/current-voltage (CV/IV) automated test systems for semiconductor applications, and it is supported by the NI-DCPower instrument driver, which includes APIs for LabVIEW, C, C# .NET, Python, and other programming languages. The included chassis features all hybrid connectors, 58 W power and cooling, and an integrated Thunderbolt™ 3 MXI-Express controller. Additionally, the PXIe-LCR5100 Bundle includes a D-SUB to BNC cable, a Thunderbolt cable, as well as a power cable. Thunderbolt is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.

Artikelnummer(n): 867113-03 |

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