Upgrade LabVIEW Files
- Launch the version of LabVIEW you wish to upgrade your code.
- From the File menu, select Open… and navigate to the location of the file you wish to upgrade.
- Select OK to open your files.
- From the File menu, select Save As to save this newer version of your LabVIEW code.
- Note: If you use Save instead of Save As, this will save over the original version of the code.
- Code from various versions can exist alongside each other. The best practice is to keep the original version of your code while in the process of upgrading.
- [Suggested] Mass Compile your code to maintain links between VIs and subVIs. This will also check for any corrupted VIs. A single file or an entire directory can be selected for mass compilation and the items will be opened in the new version, saved, and then closed.
- Please consider that some libraries located in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20##\instr.lib could be located in C:\Program Files\NI\LVAddons\niidl\1\instr.lib for LabVIEW 2022Q3 or newer versions. For more details refer to the related links.
Note on Upgrading from Legacy Versions of LabVIEW
To open a VI created before LabVIEW 6 in LabVIEW 8.5 or later, you must first convert the VI to a LabVIEW version between 6 and 8.2.
- In this situation, NI recommends upgrading to LabVIEW 8.2.1 as an intermediate version because it is the version of LabVIEW closest to the current.
- Customers with active software subscription licenses or service agreements can access older versions of LabVIEW by contacting NI support.
Once you have upgraded to a version after 6.0, you can continue with the steps above.
Note on Upgrading from Legacy Versions of NI-DAQ
If your VIs uses legacy NI-DAQ functions, these will need to be replaced with the new NI-DAQmx functions. For a more detailed guide about the differences between the two data acquisition functions and recommendations for the migration visit: Transition from Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) to NI-DAQmx in LabVIEW .