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How do I use a Rayleigh fading model?

I have looked into the MT Generate Fading profile and Apply fading profile VIs. However, I do not know how to use them, I used the default parameters for a frequency fading channel, but the resultant constellation plot which I got was deviating far from the actual values and producing a repeating pattern. I have my power delay profile and my doppler spread, but when I tried to input my 6 tap power delay profile, I got an error which said that the number of rows must be same as number of rows of the fading profile(which by default was an 1X1000 array). However, the power delay profile which I have is a 6X2 array. If any one has ever implemented a Rayleigh channel, can you please tell me how to do it or attach your VIs? I am attaching snapshots of my VIs, and also a sample constellation plot for QPSK. In my VI, I have a bitstream and modulated it. By modulation, I have generated a complex waveform and want to pass it through a Rayleigh channel. At the receiver end, I have decoded and demodulated the waveform to get the original bitstream back.



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Hello raitexas,

Have you checked out the example that ships with Modulation Toolkit. The example is called MT Rayleigh Fading Profile (QAM).vi and can be found in the Example Finder under Toolkits and Modules»Modulation»Simulation. Take a look and see how the channel is implemented and post back with any questions.

Dan King

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