Download & Manage LabVIEW Add-ons with VI Package Manager (VIPM)

Updated Jun 13, 2024



  • LabVIEW
  • JKI VI Package Manager

The NI Tools Network and JKI VI Package Manager (VIPM) make it easy to browse, download & manage LabVIEW Add-ons. It has a repository of packages that you can connect to from your desktop to download add-ons directly into LabVIEW or get updates for packages you already have installed.

VI Package Manager is the recommended method to download and manage your LabVIEW Add-ons and gives you instant access to the Add-ons on the NI Tools Network. This article walks you through the download, installation, and management of LabVIEW Add-Ons using VIPM.

Please note that VIPM is a tool created and managed by JKI. Any questions you have about the tool should be directed to JKI. Some toolkits might not be developed or maitained by NI, please check the installation notes on who to contact for supporting coding or functionality questions. 

Download LabVIEW Add-Ons from VI Package Manager

  1. If you have not already done so, download and install LabVIEW .
  2. Download and install VI Package Manager (VIPM) from JKI.
    1. [macOS users only] If you are a macOS user downloading packages for LabVIEW 2020 SP1 or later, take steps to configure VIPM and LabVIEW permissions to allow installation of LabVIEW packages in the proper location.
  3. Search for your desired packages. You have two options to find LabVIEW add-ons:
    • Find add-ons from NI LabVIEW Tools Network. NI Tools Network houses NI and third-party add-ons.
      1. Browse the LabVIEW Tools Network to find the Add-On you would like to use and select Download.
      2. You will now be directed to a Download page with two options to download. Select the Download through VIPM (recommended)* link which will launch VIPM.
        • If the VIPM application was not already open, you may be directed to the VIPM splash screen. Click the link on the Download page again to be directed to the add-ons information and download page within VIPM
    • From add-ons within VIPM.
      1. If you know the name of the add-on you are looking to install, use the search functionality within VIPM Browser (figure 1) or JKI VI Package Manager application (figure 2).

Figure 1: VIPM Browser 2020 screen. Note the search bar in the middle of the splash screen, viewable upon loading, and the search bar along the top of the application, viewable from any add-on's page.

Figure 2: VIPM Main Application. Use the Search menu in the top left to find Add-Ons by name, company, repository
  1. Once you have found the add-on you want to install, select Install
    • You can install directly from the VIPM main application page, from within VIPM Browser search results, or from the Info page for a particular add-on.
    • Depending on your version of VIPM, you may be prompted to sign in to VIPM or create a JKI account. Follow the steps in the VIPM tool to create, verify, and/or sign in to your account (figure 3).
    • The installation will begin once you have signed in.

Figure 3: You must sign in to VIPM before Installing Add-Ons
  1. Once the installation is complete, select Open. This will launch LabVIEW, open a new VI, and bring the LabVIEW add-on's VI palette to view on the block diagram. 

Manage LabVIEW Add-ons

VI Package Manager allows you to easily manage your LabVIEW Add-ons (figure 4).

  • Use the Installed/Uninstall drop-down to filter add-ons to what you have or have not installed on your machine. By default, all add-ons are visible.
  • Use the Version drop-down in the menu bar to filter by LabVIEW version. The versions you have installed on your machine will be available by default.
  • Under the View menu, select Legend to see what the glyphs next to the packages stand for.
  • You can uninstall add-ons by right-clicking on the installed package from the VIPM main screen >> Uninstall.
  • Right-click on a package and select the Get Info to launch the package's details page where you can Install or Uninstall, see the add-on in LabVIEW by selecting Show in Palettes, see available download versions, and more.

Figure 4: VI Package Manager main application. View lists of available add-ons while filtering by version, search term, installation

*Note: Some older add-ons on the LabVIEW Tools Network do not use VI Package Manager. Download and install these Add-ons manually.


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