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Getting Started With NI Volume License Manager (VLM)

Updated Aug 6, 2024



  • Volume License Manager

NI Volume License Manager (VLM) is the license management tool for our multi-seat license programs (Volume License Agreement (VLA) and Enterprise Agreement (EA)) which allows you to centrally manage your licenses. This article will guide you as an administrator with your first steps on NI Volume License Manager (VLM) to set up your multi-seat license programs 

NI VLM is meant to be hosted on the computer which will be the licensing server to be reached by the client machines (end-users). This server/computer must have successful communication with the client machines through the network.

This series will teach you the basics of managing your NI Volume License Manager server. No previous knowledge is required to set up the server using this document.


Setting up NI VLM

Each step is organized into separate how-to articles to guide you through each process of the NI VLM setup.

  1. Download and Install NI VLM
    • Download and install NI VLM on a server/computer accessible by the end-users through your network.
  2. Requesting a License File for the server
    • The License File is the file that will rule out what licenses you can manage and how many seats you have based on what you have acquired.
    • You will learn how to request your license file for your licensing server.
  3. Install the License File
    • You will learn how to install your License File once it has been received after requesting it.
  4. Configure Server Settings
    • Ports – Needed to communicate with the server
    • Email – If you want to send automated emails with NI VLM
    • Administrator Information – Shown to all end-users
    • Custom Fields – Information required from the end-users
  5. Adding users for the licenses:
  6. Generate an Activity Compliance Log or VLA Log
    • The VLA Log is a file that contains all the user and host activity for a specified date range.
    • You will be required to provide this information in certain scenarios.

For technical assistance or questions, you can refer to the Volume License Manager (VLM) Troubleshooting Guide

Next Steps

[Optional] If you wish to create custom installers to distribute software to users within your company, please review How to Create a Volume License Installer in NI Volume License Manager (VLM).

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