PXI Modules

PXI modules interface to bus standards, acquire data and images, trigger and synchronize devices, generate and route signals, and take a variety of measurements. Use them to build measurement and automation systems.

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PXI Products, Created by the PXI Leader

Of the more than 1,500 PXI products on the market, more than 600 were designed by NI. With this proven history, NI PXI modules offer advantages such as options for any application, performance and quality, software integration, and production unit verification.

Industry-Standard Technology Helps You Future-Proof Your System

NI PXI modules are industry-standard tools for creating automated test systems. Since PXI systems are flexible, you can easily change these modules as your testing needs change.

Popular Bundles Simplify Your System

PXI Instrument bundles are preconfigured sets of NI’s most popular, high-quality electronic test and instrumentation hardware.

PXI Multifunction I/O Module

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Provides a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, counter/timer, and triggering functionality in a single PXI module.

PXI Oscilloscope

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Acquires and analyzes time- and frequency‐domain analog signals as part of a PXI system.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

Learn more about the PXI Oscilloscope

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Provides precise voltage or current sourcing and measurement capabilities for PXI systems.

PXI Analog Input Module

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Provides analog input signals for PXI systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Module

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Provides combinations of analog I/O and digital I/O in a single PXI module with a user-programmable FPGA for onboard signal processing and custom system timing and synchronization.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Digital Multimeter

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Performs voltage, current, resistance, temperature, inductance, capacitance, and frequency/period measurements, as well as diode tests, in PXI systems.

PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO

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Performs vector signal analysis and spectrum analysis to deliver extremely high-throughput and high-performance RF measurements.

PXI Analog Output Module

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Provides analog output signals for PXI systems.

PXI Sound and Vibration Module

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Provides dynamic signal generation and acquisition in sound and vibration applications for PXI systems.

PXI Remote Control Module

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Controls PXI and PXI Express systems from your PC or laptop computer through a software transparent link.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Waveform Generator

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Generates standard functions and user-defined, arbitrary waveforms as part of a PXI system.

PXI Digital I/O Module

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Provides digital input and output capabilities for PXI systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Temperature Input Module

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Takes measurements from thermocouples and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) for PXI systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Matrix Switch Module

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Connect any input to any output to simplify wiring in automated test systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Relay Module

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Connect or disconnect individual relays to simplify wiring in automated test systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Strain/Bridge Input Module

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Measures bridge-based sensors, such as strain gages and load cells, in PXI systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Vehicle Multiprotocol Interface Module

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Provides a hardware-selectable controller area network (CAN) and/or local interconnect network (LIN) interface for developing applications with the NI-XNET driver on PXI.


Bus: PXI Express

PXI Multiplexer Switch Module

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Connect multiple inputs to a single output, or multiple outputs to a single input, to simplify wiring in automated test systems.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Synchronization Module

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Synchronizes PXI modules so you can operate multiple PXI chassis in master and slave configurations, or synchronizes a chassis with other instruments.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI CAN Interface Module

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Enables a PXI Chassis to connect to and communicate on a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus.


Bus: PXI

PXI Serial Interface Module

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Enables you to communicate with and control external serial hardware from a PXI or PXI Express chassis using asynchronous serial interfaces that support a variety of protocols.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Digital Pattern Instrument

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Performs characterization and production test of semiconductor devices with timing sets and per channel pin parametric measurement unit (PPMU).

PXI Programmable Power Supply

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Supplies programmable DC power for applications ranging from characterization, design validation, and manufacturing test.

PXI RF Analog Signal Generator

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Generates continuous wave signals or basic standard modulation formats such as AM, FM, PM, and pulse.


Bus: PXI, PXI Express

PXI Vector Signal Analyzer

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Provides large Xilinx FPGAs that can be combined with FlexRIO adapter modules for applications requiring custom, inline signal processing.

PXI Electronic Load Module

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Provides programmable load capable of sinking DC power for characterization, design validation, and manufacturing test.

PXI Vector Signal Transceiver

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Combines a vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer with FPGA-based, real-time signal processing and control.

PXI Vector Signal Analyzer

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Makes vector scattering parameter, or S-parameter, measurements over a wide frequency range.

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