What Is the SystemLink™ TDM DataFinder Module?

The SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module helps engineering and manufacturing teams efficiently manage, search, access, and analyze all measurement data.

Explore SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module Features

The SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module simplifies the management of your ever-increasing volume of measurement data. Easily aggregate data from disparate sources and locations into one centralized view for rapid search, access, and analysis from a single source of truth. Leveraging the SystemLink Server for communication, transmission, and movement of data, the SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module easily scales from an individual lab to test sites spanning multiple geographic locations.

Displays configuration windows for indexing measurement files and for standardizing data

Standardize and Index Your Data

Easily transform and manage all measurement data from disparate sources automatically creating a common index that scales as data volumes grow.

Displays parametric search options for file, group, and channel levels of a measurement file and shows results from search

Search and Locate Data for Analysis

Sort, filter, and view data sets based on specific properties that are relevant for your analysis.

Shows interactive selection of data analysis script and a resulting report that is generated

Automate Analysis and Report Generation

Quickly generate relevant reports in real time, scheduled or through automated scripts that execute when data is available.

What Can I Do with the SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module?

The SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module provides interactive and automated workflows to easily manage, search, and locate your measurement data. Learn more about driving valuable product insights below.

Search and Locate Measurement Data

Significantly reduce the time spent managing and searching for needed data through automated data standardization.

Analyze and Report Measurement Data

Efficiently process your measurement data with automated and ad hoc report generation for accelerated decision making.

Need Waveform Data Visualization and Analysis Tools?

DIAdem is a comprehensive data visualization application purpose-built for channel-based data. When used with the SystemLink TDM DataFinder Module, DIAdem unlocks the data collected so you can quickly identify patterns, trends and key data. 

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