NI System Advisors

NI’s online system advisors help you create a custom system based on your specific requirements. Use them to choose compatible hardware, software, accessories, and services and then save your selections as configurations for easy quoting and purchasing later.



PXI is the industry standard for automated test. It is an open, high-performance, PC-based platform that offers integrated software or hardware timing and synchronization, and high throughput ideal for validation and production test.



CompactDAQ provides a simple method for acquiring data from sensors and signals in the lab or in the field. It integrates seamlessly with LabVIEW software for analysis, logging, and display.



CompactRIO is ideal for advanced control and monitoring applications. It combines a rugged, embedded architecture with real-time processing and industrial I/O modules programmed with LabVIEW FPGA.

NI Systems Integration Partners

Integrator building a system

If you aren’t sure where to start with building your own system, NI works with Systems Integration Partners with specialized expertise in building systems with NI Products.

You can find a Systems Integration Partner in your area to help you build the right system for your application needs, and you can choose from specialists in PXI and CompactRIO systems as well as DAQ applications.